If your snacks are making you gain weight, you're probably snacking on the wrong snacks! Mine don't!
It's all about enjoying snacks that are nutrient dense. This means that it has a variety of macro and micro nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals.
The more dietary fibre, the more full and satisfied you are with you treats! Oat flour and oats are used with my snacks. In addition to the benefit of oats, honey is used as the sweetener, NOT sugar. Dark chocolate has so many benefits including it's antioxidant properties and ability to possibly raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
My treats are super delicious and nutritious! This is because of the use of dates and honey as the sweetener with my treats! There are so many options to snack on e.g. granola bars, energy bites, chocolate centered bites, date brownie, date snickerz, chocolate thumbprint cookies and much more. Try it!
You have to learn to develop a healthy relationship with food to enjoy living!
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